Keyword Ranking Reports

SERP Scan Automatically Generates Search Engine Ranking Reports

Clients want proof that search engine optimization works for them. Increased rankings are the best way to prove to your clients that your hard work—and their money—is making a positive impact and return on investment for their business.

There are two types SEO reports for you to download: PDF reports and CSV (spreadsheet) reports.

PDF Reports

The PDF reports are well designed and are great for submitting to your SEO clients. The reports can be white-labeled so your company's name appears instead of SERP Scan. The data contained in the reports are as follows:

Below is an example PDF report

an example keyword ranking report

CSV Reports

CSV stands for comma separated values and are used mainly by spreadsheet applications like Excel. When opened in a spreadsheet editor you can easily sort, filter, and calculate data. Below are the fields in a CSV ranking reports:

How To Create Keyword Ranking Reports

A diagram showing how to generate ranking reports

When viewing the keywords for a given website there are two links to download reports. The first link title PDF Reports will take you to a separate page where you can download any report you've ever created or generate a new one. For your connivence reports are automatically generated on the 1st and 15th of every month.

The second link is titled Download CSV and when clicked will create a CSV file of up to date ranking data.

Sign Up & Create Your Website Ranking Reports